Daily Art Practice

Daily Art Practice

I completed a commission today.  The excitement I feel when I present my client with their painting never gets old.  It is joy, pure and good.  I can't wait for tomorrow when I hand it over.

I have been thinking lately of starting a daily art practice for 2020.  I thought what a perfect time to start, Dec 1st 2019!  I started the year strong so I am happy to end strong too.

This year was a great one for my art.  I was a part of five art festivals and now have collectors all over.  I am so proud I chose this year to get outside of my comfort zone and just go for it.

I plan on using this blog to share my daily thoughts and art a day practice.  Sometimes the work will be a painting, a stitch, sculpture, a pretty arrangement of the dinner I made, but it will be something creative. 

By for now:)


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